Saturday, August 13, 2016



Entertainment is any activity which provides a diversion or permits people to amuse themselves in their leisure time, and may also provide fun, enjoyment and laughter. People may create their own entertainment, such as when they spontaneously invent a game; participate actively in an activity they find entertaining, such as when they play sport as a hobby; or consume an entertainment product passively, such as when they attend a performance.



  1. Everyone dreams about working among the hottest stars out there and jobs at media companies are frequently glamorized in movies and on TV.
  2. To be sure, there's a lot of perks when it comes to working at these media powerhouses. But even the best, most glamorous media jobs have their downfalls.
  3. As of 2007, it has been questioned whether media companies actually are unrelated. The practice of conglomeration has been used for the sharing of various kinds of content such as news, video and music. The media sector's tendency to consolidate causes formerly diversified companies to appear less diverse as a result. Therefore, the term media group may also be applied, however, it has not so far replaced the more traditional term.



        a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.


                                                                TELEVISION SHOWS
A live TV show set and cameras. A television program is a segment of content intended for broadcast on over-the-air, cable television, or Internet television, other than a commercial, trailer, or any other segment of content not serving as attraction for viewership.

                                                                  VIDEO GAMES
a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest.

a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.



  • Video games are a unique form of entertainment because they encourage players to become a part of the game's script. Although video games have been available for more than 30 years, today's sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game. Players engage on deeper level—physically and emotionally—than people do when watching a movie or TV.
There are some positives that come from music, video games, and television. Kids that watch more educational and informative shows such as PBS are:
-Less aggressive,
-Usually have higher grades,
-Are more motivated in their studies once they get to high school.
-People interacting with each other and making new friends.
-They are also more creative than people that do not play video games.
-Video games help teenagers follow instructions
-Video games increase problem solving and logic
-Video games improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills.
-Music can act as a coping mechanism and can put a person in a good mood.

  • Today 97% of teens in the U.S. play video games, and sales of games are growing. The domestic video game industry brings in nearly $12 billion a year. This popular form of media has both positive and negative effects on children.

    The most widely acknowledged "positive" impact is that video games may help children improve their manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more "realistic" virtual playing experience. 
  • However, studies also show that video games with violent content are linked to more aggressive behavior in teens. This is a concern because most of the popular video games contain violence. 
  • Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games—and daily media use by children is increasing significantly. 

Friday, August 12, 2016



  • A good ones with pure fun, frolic, knowledge dissemination through various media keep us in good moods, healthy thoughts and entertained. Bad ones can be ignored by matured audience or readers but nonetheless, they leave a bad impression on our minds. The ugly ones are those that border on vulgarism like hard core porno entertainments, horror movies or badly worded books or comics. Disadvantages: All the above will be of great disadvantage if any form of entertainment is not used moderately and on a selective basis by those who seek fun and laughter. Any kind of entertainment, good or bad, will be bad for children who get addicted to any kind of habit, become couch potatoes and finally end up with obesity, lack of interest in studies and finally become a burden to the society.
  • Nowadays, products of hi-tech like a Mp3 or DVD-players become to be parts of the humans' life. In my opinion, these technologies have merits and demerits.  People use these modern techniques everywhere and any time because they are portable, compact and may contain a lot of info compared with diskets or tape recording. For example, we can take Mp3 or DVD-players with us during the travelling or going to somewhere. And these devices don't claim more place than oldest. Moreover, we are able to record not only music or movies, but also educational programmes. These type of technologies have some opportunities. For instance, it can work without electricity and it is easy to handle. Besides, they have additional devices earphones in order not to distract other people. On the other hand, Mp3 or DVD-players have some drawbacks. I mean, they cause sometimes incidents (stray off the environmental around). As an example, while crossing the street or driving transport facilities, which even be reason for an accident. To sum up, I agree that today Mp3 or DVD-players play a great role in human's life. And these easy movable techniques have both advantages and disadvantages. However, I think that there are more merits than demerits.
  • Nowadays, hi-tech products  such as Mp3 or DVD-players have become  a part of the human life. In my opinion, these technologies have merits and demerits.  People can use these modern techniques everywhere and at any time because they are portable, compact and  contain a lot of information compared  to older versions such as diskets or tape recorders.



Violence in television programs and movies and its impact on children and families is not a new topic. Thirty years ago, Jesse Steinfeld, then Surgeon General of the United States, warned Americans about the negative effects of television violence on the emotions and behaviors of children, "It is clear to me that the causal relationship between [exposure to] televised violence and antisocial behavior is sufficient to warrant appropriate and immediate remedial act ion... there comes a time when the data are sufficient to justify action. That time has come" (Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee, 1972).

Additionally, six major medical groups warn of harmful effects of media violence on children (Congressional Public Health Summit, 2000). Studies show there is a stronger relationship between viewing violence in television programs and movies and aggressive behavior, than there is between asbestos and cancer, and calcium intake and bone mass (Bushman, 2001).
Over 1,000 research studies in the past 50 years reveal there is a relationship between viewing violence in television programs and movies and aggressive behavior in children, youth, and adults. However, young children are most vulnerable to the effects of media violence because they:

Are more easily impressionable,
Have a harder time distinguishing between fantasy and reality,

Cannot easily discern motives for violence, and
Research has shown three major effects of viewing violence on television:
Learn by observing and imitating. (Bushman, 2001)
Children may be more fearful of the world around them.
Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others.
Children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others (American Psychological Association, 1985).


The Entertainment Industry's Effect on Children

  • Almost all young children in the United States are exposed, on a daily basis, to entertainment and education delivered through other media besides print and television. Films (in theaters and on cassette or DVD), radio, sound recordings on compact disc and audio cassette, computer games, plus access to the Internet are the main sources.
  • The entire entertainment industry now has a tremendous influence on American society. Whereas a few movie stars, musicians, and sports figures were the entertainment models for generations during the 20th century, today, the visual and auditory stimuli of the new media bombard most homes and communities. Some of this exposure is educational, positive, and directed at an appropriate level for young children. A considerable amount of current fare, however, is violent in nature, is provocative, and is presented in ways unsuitable for children’s level of maturity (De Gaetano, 2005; Levin, 2005). With the rapid expansion of electronic transmission devices, young people are exposed more than ever to both good and bad influences.
  • Producers and advertisers expand successful films and television shows by flooding sales counters with associated toys, clothing, and DVDs. Similar marketing comes from developers of video and computer games. These games influence individuals’ values, compete for children’s attention, and certainly reduce the amount of reflection and interaction time children have with both adults and peers (Singer & Singer, 2001). Although some maintain that such games are opportunities for children to “let off steam,” others insist that there are better ways of achieving this goal.
  • The Internet is now the world’s largest source of information; it completely dwarfs even the world’s renowned libraries. The amount of information is extraordinary for today’s young people; it also carries great potential for misuse. For example, many primary-school-age children regularly “surf the ‘Net’” and tell about their findings. Pornography is widely available to any child willing to misrepresent his or her age. Even more alarming are the steadily expanding hate-group Web sites, some of which are designed for children. Some help arrived with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, and Web-filtering software continues to appear on the market.