Saturday, August 13, 2016



  • Video games are a unique form of entertainment because they encourage players to become a part of the game's script. Although video games have been available for more than 30 years, today's sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game. Players engage on deeper level—physically and emotionally—than people do when watching a movie or TV.
There are some positives that come from music, video games, and television. Kids that watch more educational and informative shows such as PBS are:
-Less aggressive,
-Usually have higher grades,
-Are more motivated in their studies once they get to high school.
-People interacting with each other and making new friends.
-They are also more creative than people that do not play video games.
-Video games help teenagers follow instructions
-Video games increase problem solving and logic
-Video games improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor and spatial skills.
-Music can act as a coping mechanism and can put a person in a good mood.

  • Today 97% of teens in the U.S. play video games, and sales of games are growing. The domestic video game industry brings in nearly $12 billion a year. This popular form of media has both positive and negative effects on children.

    The most widely acknowledged "positive" impact is that video games may help children improve their manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more "realistic" virtual playing experience. 
  • However, studies also show that video games with violent content are linked to more aggressive behavior in teens. This is a concern because most of the popular video games contain violence. 
  • Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games—and daily media use by children is increasing significantly. 

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